Check out this incredible offer never offered before from any
printing company:
- 1000 FREE 8.5x11 Brochures
4/4, 100lb Coated Text, AQ Coated, FREE Graphic Design, FREE Shipping
- 1000 FREE Business Cards
4/4, UV or Satin Matte, 160lb Mega Thick Stock, FREE Graphic Design,
FREE Shipping
- $500 Cash In Your Pocket
If SaveHugeOnCreditCardProcessing.com cannot lower your current
monthly credit card processing rates
- 10% Cash Back House Credit EVERY Month
On Your Total Monthly Credit Card Processing Fees
(SaveHugeOnCreditCardProcessing.com Clients)
You have already qualified for all 4 Bonuses being a previous Save Huge On Direct Mail Client…
and you get Bonus 1 through 3 if you have 5 minutes and are motivated to reduce expenses and increase sales.
Please click here and just give
the opportunity to do a rate quote and you will be over a $1000.00 richer.
Once SaveHugeOnCreditCardProcessing.com proves we can lower your rates..you will begin earning
FREE Printing via the 10% Cash Back House Credit program. If you have enjoyed the high level of service
we strive for at SaveHugeOnDirectMail.com that won’t change in regards
to SaveHugeOnCreditCardProcessing.com.
Have questions? Call Corey, CEO, at 512-573-1977. Thank you for the continued opportunity to earn your trust & confidence!!!
GO HUGE WITH EDDM....and I Mean Huge
Did you know you can mail a 16 to 40 page catalog for 20 cents - if you are in a high margin business such as Real Estate,
Home Improvements or Repair, Financial Services or any other business in where the more information, images and offers you communicate,
the higher your response rate, you should really consider a 8 to 40 page catalog. In addition to including lots of great information in a catalog,
Why Is EDDM only 20 cents Per Home?
EDDM is a courier route driven delivery program which means you can choose a courier route, not an individual house.
Because of this, no addressing, bar coding, sorting or any handling of the mail piece is really needed. You literally take the mailing
pieces to the post office, pay the 18 cent per home postage and within 24 hours, your pieces are given to the appropriate couriers
and handed to each postal customer on the route.
What Is The Most Popular & Effective EDDM Mailer?
BY FAR, the 11x25.5 is the absolute best value - especially
with our Diamond Package - if you want the
maximum Rate Of Return on your Investment. The 11x25.5 Bifold
(Delivered as 11x12.75, 4 Page Catalog) cuts
your cost per square inch in half from flat postcards, give you a huge presence in the mailbox and substantially increases response rates and profits.
What Is The Smallest You Can Do With EDDM 18 Cent Mail?
The smallest, and actually a cool piece, is a 3.5x11 Postcard, with or without a Tear Off Business Card - this is actually a great card if you
really want to put a business card, coupon card, discount card or other offer into your prospects hands - the Tear Off Business Card is
160lb Mega Thick Stock - so probably nicer than what you currently may have in your wallet.
Really, FREE Professional Graphic Design
Yep, just purchase one of the 20+ eligible EDDM Printed Pieces and get FREE Professional Graphic Design that includes cutting edge marketing advice that works. Our goal is to assure every single penny you invest returns 10 to 100 times that amount. The difference between a poorly designed EDDM piece and one utilizing the most cutting edge marketing methods is HUGE.
1000 FREE Business Cards AND 1000 FREE 4x6 Postcards
160lb Mega Thick Stock, UV Coated, Shipping Included
Okay, what is the catch?
No catch, 100 percent FREE which includes professional graphic design, you only pay $47.41 for S&H. This truly is a $350+ value and is a great bonus for EVERY EDDM Order.
What does Expert EDDM Marketing Advice Include?
Once you place an order, if you like, can get FREE Cutting Edge Marketing Advice. What you will learn is what strategies are maximizing
response rate for your industry - THIS ADVICE CALL IS WORTH MORE THAN THE COST OF THE PRINTING - After even just 5 mins, you will be blown away with what you learn.
At Worlds Cheapest Printing we have done our best to make ordering
online very easy and straight forward. Throughout the check out process
you will know what step you are on and what steps remains.
We have also made the process of getting graphic design a very fast, efficient and pleasurable experience. You will work directly with a graphic artist via email - and, in many cases, within just a few days (sometimes sooner), your graphic instruction will be transformed into a dazzling design that will best represent your company & maximize sales |
Step 1 >>
Add Products To Your Shopping Cart
>> Choose all the products you would like to add to your shopping cart.
You will be shown a summary of all products in your cart before
advancing to the next step. If you have something in your cart that you
need to change, please just delete the item from the cart and then re-add the correct version of the product you had to delete. |
Step 2 >>
Uniquely Name Each Product & Enter In Order Notes
>> Here is where you will give a unique name to each product (i.e. - Bob
Johnson Business Cards or Holiday Direct Mail Piece, Ect). You can also
enter in order notes-But this would NOT include graphic design notes.
You will be prompted for Graphic Notes at the final step. |
 Step 3 >>
Account Setup & Shipping Info --OR-- Login To Your Account
>> Here is where you can either login in to an existing account and/or
set up your account details. Here is where you will enter in contact &
shipping info along with creating a password for your account. |
Step 4 >>
Payment Information
>> You can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. No
Charges are made until you approve the artwork proof that will be sent
to you after your order is placed. The highest online security is used
with hosting being done on GoDaddy using their highest encrypted
security format. |
Step 5 >>
Discounts / Coupons / Offers
>> Here is where discount, coupon or offer codes are entered in. The
discount will show on the final invoice that follows this step. |
 Step 6 >>
Final Order / Invoice Summary
>> Please check this summary to make sure everything is exactly as you
want including coating type, size, paper stock to assure you are
ordering the correct piece. Your CC is not charged upon submitting the
order but will be as soon as you approve your artwork. |
Step 7 >>
Upload Artwork Files --OR-- Submit Graphic Layout Instructions
>> Upload Artwork Files - if unsure on what is acceptable, click on File
Setup tab above to view what all is acceptable. You will be emailed a
proof to verify your upload to assure the correct files go to print. |
>>>>>> Submit Graphic Layout Instruction
>> Here is where you can submit your graphic instruction and upload
images or scans of previous cards. You can also include links to web
graphics or websites that have images or a design you are looking for.
The more initial instruction you can provide up front will assure a
first version that is close to what you are seeking. All graphic art
instruction and comments are handled through the online graphic
communication system - Sorry, graphic instruction is taken by phone -
which is one reason the graphic art charges at Worlds Cheapest Printing
are a fraction of what other printing companies and graphic artist
>> To learn more about graphic art services, please click on the Design
tab above. |
Step 8 >>
Artwork Approval
>> With all orders a proof is sent to assure the correct images are
printed - we do this as to be absolutely sure there are no errors on
either side - as many clients have sent in what they considered print
ready artwork and then will catch an error they made on their initial
>> With graphic services, proofs are posted until you approve the final
files - it typically takes 2 to 4 proofs to reach an acceptable format. |
At Worlds Cheapest Printing we can take virtually
any popular design format including the following programs:

Corel Draw 12
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Microsoft Publisher
PDF, JPEG, TIFF, EPS (300 DPI or Higher)
Microsoft Word - IS NOT a format that can be converted to print
quality -- If requested graphic services, this file format can be used as a
guideline for graphic layout and design services.
File Formats We Can Work With:
File Format - Jpeg, 300 DPI, CMYK Color
>> Banners are printed from 150 DPI Files
File Sizes - Please add .125 to all files sizes - i.e. a business card would be 3.625x2.125, a 4x6 postcard would be 4.125 x 6.215. Please keep anything important .25 from the edge of all designs as card cuts will vary.
How does SaveHugeOnDirectMail.com have pricing that is cheaper than black and white?
>>>> We use the most sophisticated offset presses combined with doing everything in huge gang runs allow SaveHugeOnDirectMail.com to offer the highest quality full color printing at extremely low prices.
Viewing Proofs On Your Monitor
>>> When viewing proofs on your monitor,
please keep in mind that colors you are seeing are displayed in RGB color - so
it will not necessarily accurately show your piece in how it will reproduce
color wise. Even if you view your piece on two different monitors you will typically see a
difference in how your proof appears.
Proof Resolution - proofs you view are at 150 DPI so clarity will be only
50% of actual reproduction. If you have a sensitive feature on your piece, you
can request a 300 DPI proof.
Printing Limitations With Gang Run
High Volume Group Printing
Gang Run Printing is grouping up to 24 pieces together on one large sheet giving
our clients & yourself huge economies of scale but their our a few limitations:
Color / Shade Matching
>> All efforts are made to match files as closely as possible but with Gang Runs
colors shades can and will vary. To minimize color shifts, choose vibrant &
distinct colors. Shades that tend to shift are dark greens, dark blues, dark
purples, and any other shades that closely border the next color in the
>> Color Variance on the same card printed at two different times - this can
also happen as every run is influenced by the predominant colors on the run so
if you reorder a card a second time is it possible for the shades to vary from
the first run.
>> If there is a color shift on a card the only one that will know is you - your
prospect and clients will have no idea that colors shifted or the fact your
second order of business cards, postcards or whatever you ordered is not exactly
the same shade as the first version.
Can Color Variance Be Eliminated
>> The only way to guarantee color matching is to do PMS color matching which
would triple the cost of any order - as special inks are actually purchased to
match the exact colors used in the artwork file. Over many years of Gang Run
printing, clients have found the advantages of very low full color reproduction
with a few limitations far out weighs trying to have colors match precisely. If
this is a important issue, one other way to reduce the cost of color matching is
to purchase enough printing to fill an entire run. Please feel free to call
Corey at 512-573-1977 to discuss solutions that will work best for your company
and budget.
Cuts Can Vary
>> All efforts are made to cut everything exact but cuts can and will vary. Cuts
Can vary up to 3/16".
DESIGN TIP - If you are doing your own
graphic design, to minimize the effect of card cuts that can vary, avoid using
any borders around the edge of the card - if you want to use a border, make the
border 1/4" thick all the way around. The key is to keep anything important that
you would not want cut into 1/4" from the edge of your designs.
Cheapest Graphic Design Services THAT
>> For as little as $59.00 you can have a top flight graphic artist create a
piece that will help you generate more interested prospects that lead to sales.
The analogy we give to a regular business card versus one focused on recombining
an effective Marketing Card is the same concept of someone buys a drill - you do
not buy a drill because you want a drill, you buy a drill because you want a
At Worlds Cheapest Printing, we know you aren't desiring to purchase paper & ink
per say -moreover, you really are investing in paper & ink to generate more
sales & profits. Our primary goal is to find solutions that cost you a $1.00 and
generated $10.00 in revenue (of course, every business presents different
marketing challenges, markets & margins).
FREE Marketing Advice Power Call
>> If you have purchased graphic art services and would like to receive a FREE
MARKETING ADVICE CALL - please click here and fill out the brief marketing
questionnairre to schedule a return call from the owner of Worlds Cheapest
NOTE On FREE Marketing Advice
>> Worlds Cheapest Printing is always happy to give advice and communicate
strategies that have been proven effective by our other clients, but Worlds
Cheapest Printing graphic design services are at 100% at our clients direction,
we don't take charge of the design process in regards to marketing ideas &
strategy, but only follow your exact direction in that regard. The graphic
artists at Worlds Cheapest Printing will do a good job of logically laying out
what info you have provided in formats that have been proven popular but it will
remain your responsibility to provide that final guidance in regard to
marketing, offers & strategy. Below are a number of tips to keep in mind when
putting together your design notes.
DESIGN & MARKETING TIPS To Maximize Effectiveness
Tip 1 >> Focus On
Your Prospect's Needs Through COMPELLING
>> Remember that your prospects only care about
their wants, needs and/or perceived needs (that you can create
with effective marketing). The biggest mistake we see here at Worlds Cheapest
Printing is company centered marketing materials that are very EGO driven. Your
prospects will not care much about your company until you have first convinced
them they have a need that they must fullfill. One key is using very compelling
headlines that communicates the key reason on why
your propect would be enticed to use your service. Using FREE in
a headline is also very effective - and the key to using FREE does not mean
giving something away for FREE per say, but to just give the perception they are
receiving something for FREE that has a lot of high perceived value.
90% of the effectiveness to any marketing piece will rest with the top
1/3rd of your card and headlines used. A good way to think of how
you can get your clients attention - look at the covers of magazine at grocery
store check out counters - such as the National Inquirer, The Globe and other
magazines - these publications spend 90% of their time working on the cover as
they realize if you don't pick up the magazine from the check out lane, nothing
printed inside will matter at all.
Every door direct mail FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to send mail just to single family and
eliminate other apartment?
All of the residential addresses must be included in the
mailing. This will defy the basic purpose of every door direct
mail program that market your product to all on the route
selected by you.
Can my direct mail piece be mailed only to businesses.?
Businesses can be added to the carrier route for mailing but
they cannot be mailed alone. For example is a carrier route has
300 residential addresses and 50 businesses, it can mailed 2
ways. Residential only = 300 or Residential and Businesses =
350. This way depending on your selection eddm are mailed to
that group only.
What is the minimum and maximum amount of direct mail pieces
that can be mailed per day?
Every door direct mail has minimum of 200 and the maximum of
5000 options per day.
How do I pay for EDDM Services ?
Paying for direct mail program is very simple. EDDM (Every
door Direct Mail) accepts Major credit cards, personal check
(must have ID), business check (no ID required) or cash.
Can I purchase 5000 direct mail cards and mail them in
Yes!!! EDDM has option to do that bu you will pay the postage
as they are mailed.
Do I need a mailing list?
Every door direct mail Retail uses a "simplified" address of
Postal Customer instead of street numbers or boxes so no mailing
list is required. You just need a list of mail routes and active
delivery counts, which can be obtained free of charge from the
USPS EDDM website. Your target area can be a city, neighborhood
or a specified distance from your business. To identify which
USPS mail routes match your target area visit this USPS site for
information about delivery routes and number of deliveries per
carrier route.
Can I include carrier routes from different zip codes in my
Yes, however you must drop off the mailing at the post office
location that is responsible for each zip.
How long does delivery take after I drop off the mailing at
the post office?
Usually 1 business day.Who can I mail EDDM to?
With Every Door Direct Mail you can mail to all homes and
businesses in a mailing route. Each zip code is comprised of
many different routes. Each of these routes contain
approximately 300-600 homes and businesses..
What is your "No Risk Design Guarantee"?
With your deposit of $50 we will start working on your custom
design and have a draft proof for you within 48 hours. We will
then make whatever changes are needed until you are satisfied.
No limit or charge for changes. You do not have to pay the
balance until you are satisfied
Every Door Direct Mail™ Requirements (from the USPS):
- Every Door Direct Mail is available only for Regular Standard Mail Flat size pieces and irregular parcels.
- The postage required will be the published rate for Standard Mail flats (or parcels).
- The minimum number of pieces required is the number of active deliveries on a carrier route (not less than 200 pieces per mailing).
- Mailing should exclude people who don't wish to receive your mailings (opt outs).
- Mailpieces and bundles must be prepared in accordance with the current USPS mail standards.
Key Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail
No Postage Permit Required for EDDM:
When mailing a postcard through the post office normally you require a permit which can cost as much as $450 just to open your account. But in case of EDDM this annual fee has been waived to mail EDDM Retail.
No Mailing List needed for Every Door Direct Mail:You do not need any type of mailling list for
every door direct mail program. You just have to pick the location where you want to market your product and services and post office will make sure that your direct mail piece is delivered to every home and hand without the need for a mailing list. You just have to select mailing route and rest is on post office. Large size EDDM card = better responseLarge size of the direct mail piece ensures that your marketing message is clear and loud to audience. Mailing flat is at least 6.25"x11" or larger size. Which gives you ample space to get your message to the customers. And this is over 3 times the size of a 4"x6" postcard and costs 9 cents less! Direct Mail made easy!We can print, prepare the mail, ship the cards to you, and you simply drop off the mail at your local post office. You control the drop and save on the lowest postage rate.